Renaming the IBM Continuous Engineering Portfolio

The IBM Continuous Engineering and Collaborative Lifecycle Management solutions have a rich heritage in helping teams around the world to develop products and applications faster, in a more dependable way, and at a higher quality. Over time we have come to see that the biggest challenges — and where we can offer the most help — are with teams addressing their engineering lifecycle: software engineering, certainly, and also systems engineering and the many other engineering disciplines that are necessary to create the amazing products and systems that power our economy today. We are addressing Engineering Lifecycle Management, and we are renaming our products to make that more obvious.
Why are we renaming the products?
Two reasons: to make it easier to identify each product’s primary function by its name, and to communicate our focus and investment in helping teams to implement effective Engineering Lifecycle Management.
When will I see the new names?
The products are being renamed in a phased manner. Web pages will start referencing the new names in the coming months. The v6.0.6.1 products and product documentation (released today!) retain the old names, and we intend to adopt the new names in the follow-on release.
Why are we renaming the products in a phased manner?
This phased approach gives you (and us!) time to adjust to the new names. For example, if you have written your own documentation or training materials for your customers, you can update and use them with the Jazz v6.0.6.x release family while you make plans for more significant changes when you adopt the follow-on release.
What products are being renamed?
Here are the major changes:

IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Family (DOORS) – formerly Rational DOORS
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next) – formerly Rational DOORS Next Generation (DNG)
IBM Engineering Requirements Quality Assistant (RQA) – formerly IBM Requirements Quality Assistant (RQA)
IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) – formerly Rational Team Concert (RTC)
IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) – formerly Rational Quality Manager (RQM)
IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody (Rhapsody) – formerly Rational Rhapsody
IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody – Design Manager (RDM) – formerly Rational Design Manager (RDM)
IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody – Model Manager (RMM) – formerly Rational Model Manager (RMM)
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization (ELO) – new umbrella name for offerings that surround and extend ELM
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Engineering Insights (ENI) – formerly Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM)
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Publishing (PUB) – formerly Rational Publishing Engine (RPE)
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Method Composer (MEC) – formerly Rational Method Composer (RMC)
IBM Engineering Lifeycle Optimization – Integration Adapters (IA-product) – formerly Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters (RLIA for product)
Are the products changing when the names change?
They are the same market-leading engineering lifecycle management products. Even the part numbers are the same. As you would expect, future enhancements will be introduced in releases of the newly-named products.
For more information, please see the FAQ for Engineering Portfolio Renaming for Customers.
We recognize that product development is getting more complex while the product lifecycle is shrinking, customers are becoming more technically savvy and demanding, and compliance and regulatory requirements are growing. We want to make sure our product naming does not compound this complexity, and we believe this renaming will promote simplicity and clarity over time.