View webinar recordings conducted by the IBM AI Applications Business Development Team
Connecting IBM Engineering Solutions with Simulink for an ISO 26262 Compliant Test Process
Date: November 12, 2020
Presenters: Nabile Khoury and Thabo Krick of BTC Embedded Systems AG
Standards like ISO 26262 for the development of safety critical systems in the automotive domain require to manage traceability between different types of artifacts in the development process. This traceability is in particular important when it comes to requirements and test cases, so that the following questions can be answered with confidence and accuracy at any project stage:
a. Did we create test cases for every requirement?
b. Which requirement(s) is/are covered by a particular test case?
c. Are there requirements which are not correctly implemented by the software?
One option to connect the different tools could be the use of exchange formats like Excel or ReqIf. But especially as todays embedded software development projects become more agile, these exchange formats are inefficient and error prone, as they introduce many manual import/export which can’t guarentee the consistency of the data.
To solve this problem, IBM has introduced the OSLC standard as part of the IBM Engineering solutions, which allows different development and verification tools to communicate directly with “IBM Engineering Test Management” and “IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next”.
We will show you how to efficiently perform an ISO 26262 compliant software test within a Model-based development process ensuring full traceability between requirements, test cases and test results.
Listen to November 12 recording here.
Shift left! Verify your requirements sooner using Model Execution and Model-Based Testing
Date: October 15, 2020. 2:30PM EDT
Presenter: Todd Dunnavant of IBM
Early verification of requirements “shifting left” is recognized as a key to delivering projects on time, on budget, with full functionality. In this session, you’ll learn how you can shift left, proceed with greater confidence, and save time and money by leveraging IBM’s capabilities for animating system models and our unique capabilities for model-based testing.
Listen to October 15th recording here.
Build better requirements! Inject AI into your requirements engineering workflows
Date: October 15, 2020. 2:00PM EDT
Presenter: Rob Truban of IBM
A poorly written requirement is the earliest form of a defect and can be the most expensive to deal with if not caught quickly. Remove the risk of low-quality requirements by leveraging AI and RQA. With RQA, you can automate the requirements review process, saving considerable time while significantly improving your requirements’ quality. In this session we will present requirements management with AI utilizing IBM’s Requirements Quality Assistant.
Listen to October 15th recording here.
How the International Space Station insures reliablity and safety by unitilizing IBM DOORS Next Generation
Date: October 15, 2020. 1:30PM EDT
Presenter: Joveline Ollero and Sierra Matlock (NASA Contractors)
Methods for requirements management have evolved since the International Space Station (ISS) program began over 20 years ago. Requirements databases can provide improved traceability, visibility, and consistency of requirements data, however existing processes are structured around paper documents. The conversion to managing requirements through databases in existing document based projects can be difficult. Learn about how DOORS Next Generation is being leveraged within the long established ISS program as well as the developing Gateway program, and the unique challenges associated with both.
Listen to October 15th recording here.
Insightful Engineering at Enterprise Scale
Date: October 15, 2020. 1:00PM EDT
Presenter: Phil Bardasian of IBM
Teams facing the challenge of designing, developing and engineering sophisticated products that cost less, in shorter periods of time and with fewer resources, must not only engineer new technologies but also integrate new solutions that drive faster time to market at lower cost from trusted vendors. IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that integrates technologies such as the Watson AI-powered Requirements Quality Assistant (RQA) to improve the quality of increasingly complex requirements.
Listen to October 15th recording here.
Testing external code including Simulink code with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody and TestConductor Add On
Date: October 1, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Hartmut Wittke – Software Engineer for the BTC Embedded Systems AG
In this presentation we show how the behavior of a system under development can be tested even if legacy code is part of the model behavior. The legacy code can be manually developed or coming froma Simulink workflow including auto-code generation with EmbeddedCoder. External code can be “unit tested” in Rhapsody with TestConductor, very similar to the testing of UML or SysML units.But also end-to-end tests can be executed where external codeplays a role as part of a bigger system or software model.
Our Presenter Dr. Hartmut Wittke studied Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. He finished 1997 his Diploma. From 1997 to 2005, he worked for OFFIS in Oldenburg and finished with his PhD Thesis on compositional specification verification of complex embedded systems. Since 2005 he develops UML based testing tools as software engineer for the BTC Embedded Systems AG
Listen to October 1st recording here
Streamlining Aviation compliance with IBM ELM
Date: September 24, 2020
Presenter: Eran Gery – WW A&D Industry lead for IBM ELM
Airworthiness certification is becoming more demanded by customers today, way beyond just civil airliners. Today there is growing demand for Airwothiness certification for civil and military UAVs, eVTOL and also military aircraft. It is also well known in the industry that airworthiness certification might incur very significant additional engineering cost – up to doubling the cost of the project.
In this webinar we will briefly discuss the airworthiness compliance stack starting with the SAE ARP 4754a, with a special focus on the most common one DO-178C. We will describe and demonstrate how an effective engineering practice and toolchain can dramatically reduce the cost overhead of the compliance work. We will show how the various certification objectives are streamlined with the IBM ELM solution resulting in significant cost reduction, as well as improved quality and time to delivery.
Listen to September 24th recording here.
Test Driven Development with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody and TestConductor Add On
Date: September 10, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Hartmut Wittke – Software Engineer for the BTC Embedded Systems AG
In this presentation we show how the behavior of individual components can be developed with a test driven development approach in a model based development context. Given are architecture and sequence diagram specifications referring to the interfaces defined by the architecture. The sequence diagrams are reused as test cases for the component under development. By successively taking the specifications into account, behavior adhering to the specifications is developed and tested in an incremental work flow.
Listen to September10th recording here.
Higher quality and less cost with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody ‐ TestConductor Add On
Date: August 28, 2020
Presenter: Christian Wachtendorf – Project Leader at BTC Embedded Systems AG
How to achieve and maintain quality by model based testing? In this presentation we show how Rhapsody TestConductor helps verifying the system or software under development meets its requirements with a high degree of automation. Model based development and testing enable traceability between requirements, design and test, allowing impact analysis, coverage measurement, efficient reviews, and reuse of specification data for testing.
Listen to August 28th recording here.
Requirements Based Testing for Rail Projects
Date: August 4, 2020
Presenter: Jim Herron – CTO of Island Training
In this session, you will not only see a demonstration of the IBM capabilities, but more importantly hear from a large rail industry power user speak about how they have benefited from this testing methodology with numerous major rail projects around the world.
Whether you are currently using DOORS/DOORS NG or other tools to manage your requirements, you will learn the benefits of requirements-based testing and how using a test management solution can significantly streamline your testing process
Listen to August 4th recording here.
How Model Based Systems Engineering Can Assist With a Move To a New Product
Jul 30, 2020
Date: July 30, 2020
Presenter: Marty Stolz and Pierre Bentkowski of IBM – Technical Sales
How we reused assets for one design and transformed it to a new product. We identified similar requirements, blocks and Use Cases and used these as the starting point with discussions with our customer. Once we discovered the new requirements, we built the mockup control panel and ran simulations on our Analysis and design to verify our model to validate with the customer. Model-based systems engineering is a systems engineering methodology that focuses on creating and exploiting domain models as the primary means of information exchange between engineers, rather than on document-based information exchange.
Listen to July 30th recording here.
Formal Code Reviews in Engineering Workflow Management
Jul 23, 2020
Date: July 23, 2020
Presenter: Jim Herron of Island Training – IBM Certified Technical Specialist
Use one tool to collaborate across teams, manage code, run standup meetings, plan sprints and track work. Available on premises and on the cloud. IBM Engineering Workflow Management acts as the critical link between required and delivered work by enabling teams to manage plans, tasks and project status. It provides the flexibility to adapt to any process, so companies can adopt faster release cycles and manage dependencies across both small and complex development projects. This webinar you will see a full code review cycle in action.
•Submit code for review
•Open the review to view changes
•Create associated issues
•Make required code modifications and resubmit for review
•Approve modifications and deliver corrected code
Listen to July 23rd recording here.
Leveraging Human Intelligence to Access the Power of Intelligent Systems
Jul 9, 2020
Date: July 9, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Larry Kennedy – President of the Quality Management Institute
Technology applications are trending rapidly toward encouraging dependence upon AI and ML to supplant human responsibility and leadership. “Smart” machines are providing analytical advantages that can forecast trouble, rapidly matrix a response and execute a solution with precision. But is human intelligence keeping pace with the demands AI and ML place upon us for terminal decision-making? What have we learnedfrom the Spassky/Deep Blue challenge? We’ll discuss how to leverage human capacity with the Machine and the human requirements associated with intelligent systems.
Listen to July 9th recording here.
Validating Requirements in Engineering Test Management
Jun 18, 2020
Date: June 18, 2020
Presenter: Jim Herron of Island Training – IBM Certified Technical Specialist
Increase efficiency and quality of systems and software delivery with test planning, workflow control, tracking and metrics reporting. IBM EngineeringTest Management (ETM) is a collaborative, quality management solution that offers end-to-end test planning and test asset management, seamlessly integrated with requirements, requirement coverage, workflow, and test defects.Teams can seamlessly share information and use automation to speed complex project schedules and report on metrics in real time for informed release decisions. In this webinar you will see examples of the four test case execution scenarios available in ETM.
Listen to June 18th recording here.
Requirements Management with DOORS Next and DOORS Classic
Jun 11, 2020
Date: June 11, 2020
Presenter: Richard Watson of IBM – Product Manager for Requirements Management
IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® (DOORS) is a leading requirements management tool that makes it easy to capture, trace, analyze, and manage changes to information. Control of requirements is key to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and improving the quality of your products. In this webinar we will present what is new with DOORS Next and DOORS 9.0. Highlights will be on ELM v7.0 of new product names, new banners, and new launchpad.
Listen to June 11th recording here.
Transportation and Construction – Optimizing Requirements Collaboration
Jun 4, 2020
Date: June 4, 2020
Presenter: Eran Gery – Distinguished Engineer of IBM and Jim Herron – CTO of Island Training
No industry sector requires more efficient adherence to Requirements Management than does the Transportation and Construction sector. Today more than ever, major projects must be executed through complex teaming arrangements between business partners, contractors, sub-contractors and providers of systems and subsystems. Requirements flow from customers, be they public or private sector entities, and must be further decomposed, tracked, managed and validated throughout the lifecycle of the project. Failure to comply with critical requirements is a guarantee of project cost overrun.
This webinar will show you several best practices and new capabilities to enhance collaboration, improve project performance and mitigate overall risk.
Listen to June 4th recording here.
Digital Engineering in Practice: Transforming the Engineering Process for Aerospace & Defense
May 26, 2020
Date: May 26, 2020, 12:00 pm
Presenter: Eran Gery of IBM – Distinguish Engineer, A.I. Applications
Today’s products and systems in the Aerospace and Defense industry around the world are becoming more complex with new technologies rapidly disrupting the traditional norms. Disruptive innovations are creating an environment of “art of the possible”, which unfortunately also creates new threats to maintain compliant and safe systems. On this front of A&D there is a call for “digital engineering initiative”, looking at these suppliers to adopt digital techniques that enable a leap in speed and efficiency of bringing new systems from concept to operational state. Similar concepts are being sought in other industries like automotive and medical devices. The IBM engineering lifecycle platform (ELM) offers a set of capabilities that enable such a transformation of the engineering process along the line of the digital engineering initiative. In this talk we will present the core capabilities of the ELM platform and demonstrate how it supports digital engineering practices along the product engineering cycle. We will look at an “end to end” practice from early stakeholder needs to verification and validation, involving advanced approaches such as model based engineering, agile systems engineering and AI to realize the digital engineering vision.
Listen to May 26th recording here.
IBM Engineering Reporting v7.0 (JRS, PUB, ENI)
May 14, 2020
Date: May 14, 2020, 2:00 pm
Presenter: Fariz Saracevic of IBM – Sr. Offering Manager
This session provides an overview of what’s new in IBM Engineering Reporting v7.0 (Jazz Reporting Service (JRS), IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Publishing (PUB) and IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Engineering Insights (ENI). JRS is an IBM Engineering reporting solution when users want to create traceability and statistical reports. It allows you to quickly and easily consolidate data from a variety of sources across your applications and project areas. PUB automates the generation of document-style reports across your deployed IBM Engineering and third-party tools, whether these reports are needed for formal reviews, contractual obligations, regulatory oversight, or ad hoc use. It allows the creation of high-quality documents in formats like PDF, HTML, Word, Excel, or XSL. ENI helps users visualize, analyze, and gain insight from your engineering lifecycle data. Engineering teams can improve their understanding of the relationships in complex lifecycle data and demonstrate compliance with regulatory and industry standards.
Listen to May 14th recording here.
What’s New in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0 Enterprise Deployments
May 7, 2020
Date: May 7, 2020, 2:00 pm
Presenter: Tim Feeney and Paul Ellis of IBM
In addition to all the significant functional enhancements IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) v7.0, the release also includes many important changes and improvements related to enterprise deployment. In this session we will highlight these changes and other best practice and guidance updates. With the DOORS Next replatform being one of the more significant architectural changes in this release, we will review the new scale limits and highlight best practices to ensure a successful migration.
Listen to May 7th recording here.
Let IBM Watson Assess Your Requirements with IBM RQA
Apr 30, 2020
Date: April 30, 2020
Presenter: Jim Herron – Technical Professional of Island Training
Your engineering requirements drive development – if they contain errors, so will your products. Add IBM Engineering Requirements Quality Assistant to DOORS Next or DOORS 9 to increase requirement quality during creation. Using Watson Natural Language Service and pre-trained AI, Requirements Quality Assistant has built in quality indicators designed to be consistent with guidelines from the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) for writing complete, clear and testable requirements to accelerate your review process, increase requirement quality and reduce training for junior requirements engineers. This webinar will show you how IBM RQA will you allow you assess your requirements with Watson AI.
Listen to April 30th recording here.
IBM ELM – What’s New in 7.0 – performance enhancements- features, UI, Reporting
Apr 23, 2020
Date: April 23, 2020
Presenter: Amy Silberbauer – IT Specialist and Solution Architect at IBM
This webinar will introduce the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management solution version 7.0 and its performance enhancement features including user enhancement features and reporting.
Listen to April 23rd recording here.
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